Saturday, August 22, 2015

I received a lot of praise on my research notes from Cody and Tia, Tia questioned my methods of classification, commenting on the strengths and weakness of my system I created. Cody said that I need to have a life outside of killing Epics, but Prof disagreed. They had a debate about weather attacking low-level Epic. Tia inquires about a unique photograph of Nightwielder appearing corporeal while in daylight, standing next to Steelheart on the Day of Annexation, this day was the day Steelheart converted most of Chicago into steel, and assumed power over Newcago. I told them we could defeat Steelheart but Megan argues that it's impossible, I know it is. They lead me to a room where a device called an imager, showed a projected view of Newcago on the wall, and they told me if they want me to execute this plan on killing Steelheart, I would have to persuade Megan.

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